🪙 1 Nov 2023: Tap News Wire > Do they perhaps know they are not free but just don’t care, having long since been stripped of any ability to feel the joys of freedom by the nihilistic nature of today’s society? - #Historical,

Wed 11:18 am +01:00, 1 Nov 2023  3
posted by Tapestry

Maybe they, as Aldous Huxley suggested, have learned to enjoy their enslavement in the modern technocratic society, where there are plenty of bread and circuses to keep their minds off the unpleasant nature of their existence.

Maybe they are simply too stubborn to admit that life in America, Britain, Germany and France is not what it used to be, and really not much freer than life in Russia or China.

Yes, we at least still have the 2nd Amendment in America and that is a good thing. But how real is the freedom to “keep and bear arms” when the ATF is constantly looking for sneaky new ways to water down that freedom by creating “rules” out of thin air? These rules usually get challenged in court, then take years to wind through the legal system (the ban on pistol braces is a good example of this).

In the meantime, states are banning all sorts of weapons that were previously allowed. The state of Illinois recently banned an assortment of semi-automatic rifles. The very fact that I have to use the word “allowed,” shows you the 2nd Amendment is largely a fiction, not a reality. And even if you do have the right to own a certain weapon, it’s a crap shoot as to whether you are allowed to use it in self defense. In many states, shooting a home intruder, or even just aiming a weapon at a hostile trespasser on your property, can get you arrested and convicted of a crime (Just ask Mark McCloskey and his wife in St. Louis).

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