🥼 28 Oct 2023: Tap Newswire > There's A Devil On The Loose! Population Control and Eugenics. - #Find Out About It

 Sat 5:30 am +01:00, 28 Oct 2023  
posted by Tapestry

Two of those forces were the eugenics and population control movements. Thomas Malthus seeded the narrative about the need for population control, arguing that population growth must be curtailed so as not to surpass the available food supply, lest we all die from starvation and strife.

Eugenics was inspired by Charles Darwin’s theory about survival of the fittest and the idea that the evolution of mankind could be directed to achieve the “perfect” human. In fact, eugenics was popularized by Darwin’s cousin, Sir Francis Galton.

Under this ideology, weak and sick individuals, and those lacking desirable genetic traits, should not reproduce and ideally should be disposed of altogether, to speed up the evolution of the “Übermensch” (superman).

Inbreeding within wealthy families is an outgrowth of this ideology, which in many cases have had less than desirable results, as too close a genetic match between parents (such as married cousins) often results in children with intellectual disabilities and health problems that lead to premature death.

Today, eugenics has been rebranded as transhumanism, which sounds more progressive and hides its sinister core. But, just like eugenics, transhumanism is about separating the worthy from the unworthy, and getting rid of the latter as expeditiously as possible.

The technological (and eventually, genetic) upgrades being developed will be for the rich, while the slave class (the population at large) have been placed on a path of devolution and mass infertility, the ultimate goal being our permanent extinction.

Some of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, past and present, have dedicated their lives to the eugenics/transhumanist agenda, and their charitable foundations have funded work in this area for over 100 years. As explained in the video:

“John D. Rockefeller Jr., who had been leading the Rockefeller Foundation since 1897, held a strong interest in eugenics and population control. Rockefeller became involved with the American Eugenics Society and served as a trustee of the Bureau of Social Hygiene.

The research on population control and eugenics set the stage for these ideas to be integrated into American law. Focusing on reproductive health was a primary objective, as court rulings allowed for forced sterilization of the ‘unfit.’

The Rockefeller Foundation ended up being the biggest financial contributor of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics in Berlin throughout the ‘20s and ‘30s. Margaret Sanger, a prominent feminist and the founder of Planned Parenthood, began advocating for birth control in 1916 when she established an illegal clinic in Brooklyn …

Sanger aimed for a more accessible and convenient birth control method. She envisioned a birth control pill that would simplify the practice and began lobbying the government for its legalization through a doctor’s prescription …

While Sanger could not garner much support in the 1940s advocating for women’s rights as a means for promoting birth control, she would get exactly what she needed by aligning with these more popular and lucrative ideologies. She requested contraceptive research funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, who would fulfill Sanger’s request.

The Rockefeller family, spearheaded by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., enthusiastically embraced Margaret Sanger’s controversial work on birth control under the guise of improving maternal and public health.”

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